Gallery ➔ Acrylic paint

Acrylic on canvas

Acrylic paint on canvas

Collage and acrylic on board

Watercolor and acrylic on hand made paper

Water color on hand made paper

Water colour and acrylic on hand made paper

Acrylic on stretched canvas on board

Acrylic on 2 cotton duck canvases

Acrylic on cotton duck

Acrylic and paper collage on canvas

Acrylic on canvas

Acrylic paint and netting on canvas with wooden board backing

Painting in acrylic and collage on paper

Acrylic and netting on canvas

Acrylic and mixed media on paper

Acrylic paint on canvas on wood panel

Collage (netting and strings) and acrylic painting on canvas with wood panel backing

Charcoal and ink wash with acrylic on paper

Acrylic on cardboard